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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lowongan Kerja Cementhai SCT Indonesia

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
SCT is one of Thailand’s longest established and most prestigious trading companies. The company offers you years of experience in trading various products in international market. We have the keen ability to leverage our 30 years of experience in order to meet your needs no matter what the product or where the market.

PT Cementhai SCT Indonesia (Jakarta) is a subsidiary company of SCG (Siam Cement Group), The Biggest Conglomerate Group in Thailand; major businesses in Thailand: Cement, Petrochemical, Paper, Building Products and Distribution. For PT. Cementhai SCT Indonesia, we are Thai Trading Company which is a trading arms for our group, we are expanding our businesses into Surabaya, Kalimantan and etc.

Due it’s rapid expansion in Indonesia, we need only qualified people to fill the position below.

SCG Plastics Co,.Ltd Representative Office Indonesia

* Position: Technical Sales Engineer
* Place of work: Bangkok Bank Building (6th fl.) Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 3, Jakarta, Indonesia



* Male or Female, Age 20 – 30 years old.
* Ability to travel domestically and internationally is required.

Education background:

* Bachelor's degree up in Chemical Engineering, Polymer science, or other related degree.
* Very strong command in spoken and written English, ability to communicate in Mandarin or Hokkien is a plus.
* Working experiences
* Possess 0-7 years working experience in technical service, sales, or product development. Experience in plastic or chemical industrial products is an advantage.
* Excellent in initiation, innovative thinking, problem solving and achievement orientation

Job description:

* Coordinate with head office’s technical service and product development team to accommodate customer’s troubleshooting and new product development and introduction.
* Maintain relationship with existing customers to achieve sales target and company goals.
* Develop new customer accounts to achieve volume growth target for existing and new product lines.
* Collect and analyze clients’ data and competitors’ movements in terms of new products, new processing technology, and market trends to derive marketing and new product strategies.

Contact person :

* Mr. Kitikun Prasithrathsint E-mail : kitikunp@scg.co.th
* Ms. Veronika Dwi Putri E-mail : veronikp@scg.co.th

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Lowongan Inmarsat Indonesia (ISAT)

Inmarsat, the world'ss leading Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) Operator (with Headquarters in London, UK). Inmarsat has been at the forefront of mobile satellite services for over 31 years. We are recognised leaders in our field and we continue to introduce new technologies that redefine the standard for our industry.

As of August 2010, Boeing, the US aerospace manufacturer, has been contracted to build a pioneering new constellation of satellites - the Inmarsat-5s. They will form the backbone of our planned Inmarsat Global Xpress™ network, delivering mobile broadband speeds of up to 50 megabits per second. Inmarsat is looking for a highly talented and enthusiastic professional to join its subsidiary in Indonesia, PT ISAT.

This position will be located in Batam office, Sekupang and will report to the Network Control Centre Manager Batam. The type of employment is permanent.

Primary purpose of the position:

To control and monitor the GSM based global and regional satellite phone networks, spacecraft and Ground Equipment.

Key responsibilities of the position:

* Responsible for the daily/shift Network Operations and Maintenance of Inmarsat Global Satellite Phone services according to Network Standard Operating Procedures
* Responsible for the daily/shift Network Operations and Maintenance of Garuda Regional Satellite Phone services according to Network Standard Operating Procedures
* Responsible for the daily/shift Garuda Satellite Operations and Monitoring according to Satellite Control Facility Standard Operating Procedures.
* Responsible for the quality and availability of services

Essential knowledge and skills:

* Holder of Diploma 3 or higher of Telecommunication Engineering.
* Minimum of 2 years experience in telecommunication industry
* Having good knowledge and experience working with GSM Network and RF System
* Having good knowledge and experience working with UNIX O/S environment and Oracle Database would be an advantage.
* Good interpersonal and communication skills
* Fluent spoken and written English is required.
* Able to work independently and be willing to travel abroad and within Indonesian

Other relevant information:

* Due to the necessity to control and monitor the operations 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, the incumbent should be willing to work on shift.
* The Job needs coordination with other Inmarsat Sites as well as site external to Inmarsat, which may be quite diverse in nature

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

To apply please send your detailed resume by post mail or email by 11 February 2011 to:

Jalan Jaksa Agung R. Suprapto No. 1
Sekupang, Batam 29421

HR-Batam@inmarsat.com (email exceeds 200kb will be automatically rejected by our system)

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Lowongan Kerja PJB Services

PT PJB Services, a subsidiary to PT PJB established to add business line up in Electric Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Services. PT PJB Service has been chosen as an Operation & Maintenance contractor with Performance Contract to new Paiton Steam Turbine Power Plant : 1x660 MW, Indramayu Steam Turbine Power Plant 3x330 MW, Rembang Steam Turbine Power Plant 2x135 MW, Pacitan Steam Turbine Power Plant 2x316 MW. One reason for this denotation is to make PT PJB Services as a company to manage four Steam Turbine Power Plant who understand characteristic, physical asset weaknesses that have negative effect to business, and also able to anticipate proactively, in order to produce high asset performance. Beside, this denotation can make PT PJB Services as a company with high profitability, sustainable and growth. The role and responsibility of PT PJB Services :

* Manage 4 Steam Turbine Power Plant Assets :
o New PLTU Paiton : 1 x 660 MW
o PLTU Indramayu : 3 x 330 MW
o PLTU Rembang : 2 x 316 MW
o PLTU Pacitan : 2 x 315 MW
* O&M for others Power Plant assets
* Service for Consultation and Asset Management Supervision
* Power Plant Total Solution

Nomor: 003 / 010 /DIR-PJBS/2011

Dalam rangka persiapan pengelolaan Operation and Maintenance Unit Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik berbahan bakar batubara (Proyek Percepatan 10.000 MW), PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Services (PT PJB SERVICES) membuka kesempatan bagi putra terbaik Indonesia yang telah lulus Diploma Tiga (D-3) Non Kependidikan Universitas Terkemuka untuk bergabung dalam Officer Development Program (ODP) Angkatan I Tahun 2011 PT PJB Services melalui seleksi administrasi dan akademis di beberapa Lembaga Pendidikan yang ditunjuk oleh PT PJB Services, sesuai dengan ketentuan dan syarat yang berlaku.


1. Pendidikan : Diploma Tiga (D-3) Non Kependidikan
2. Program Studi/Jurusan :
* Teknik Mesin
* Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat)
* Teknik Elektronika
* Teknik Instrumentasi
3. Usia : Maksimal 30 tahun
4. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
5. Kondisi fisik sehubungan dengan kebutuhan pekerjaan dipersyaratkan sebagai berikut:
6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani (tidak memiliki ketunaan fisik yang dapat menghambat aktivitas kerja)
7. Tidak buta warna
8. Bebas narkoba
9. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm, berat badan seimbang


o Status akreditasi : Minimal B
o Nilai IPK : Minimal 2,70
o Nilai TOEFL/disetarakan : Minimal 400
o Lain-lain : Mampu mengoperasikan Aplikasi Microsoft Offices


Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada:

Lampiran surat lamaran terdiri atas:

1. Riwayat hidup (CV)
2. Fotokopi KTP, Kartu Keluarga, dan Akte Kelahiran
3. Fotokopi ijazah dan transkrip nilai terakhir (dilegalisir)
4. Fotokopi sertifikat TOEFL
5. Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian/SKCK
6. Pasfoto terbaru berwarna, ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar
7. Surat keterangan sehat, tinggi badan dan tidak buta warna dari Dokter
8. Melampirkan surat pernyataan diri dengan tanda tangan di atas meterai Rp6000,- tentang:
9. Kesanggupan mengikuti dan mematuhi ketentuan yang berlaku bagi Peserta Officer Development Program (ODP) selama 1 (satu) tahun
10. Kesanggupan ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT PJB Services, dan bersedia menjadi karyawan tetap (apabila memenuhi syarat) dengan ikatan dinas selama 3 (tiga) tahun secara berturut-turut;
11. Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif lainnya;
12. Tidak akan menuntut penghargaan/pengakuan atas ijazah yang lebih tinggi;
13. Tidak akan menuntut untuk diangkat sebagai Karyawan Tetap pada saat mengikuti ODP dinyatakan tidak lulus.
14. Tidak mempunyai ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain dan tidak menerima beasiswa pendidikan dari instansi lain.
15. Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 31 Januari 2011
16. Berkas lamaran diserahkan langsung melalui: SAC-ITS
Berkas aplikasi tidah dikirim melalui Pos atau paket lainnya.
(Pelamar harus mempuyai USER ID di SAC. Info lengkap cek di web: www.sac.its.ac.id)

Tahapan seleksi dilaksanakan sebagai berikut:

o Seleksi administrasi dan akademis dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Pendidikan yang ditunjuk;
o Seleksi psikologi dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Psikologi yang ditunjuk;
o Seleksi/Wawancara oleh Tim yang ditunjuk dari Perusahaan;
o Seleksi Kesehatan I (Pemeriksaan fisik) dan Kesehatan II (General check-up) oleh Laboratorium Klinik yang ditunjuk.

* Seluruh proses seleksi tidak dikenakan biaya apapun dan pelamar agar mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.
* Tidak dilakukan komunikasi (surat menyurat, telepon) selama tahapan seleksi berlangsung.
* Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.
* Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak.
* Bagi peserta yang lulus seleksi akan mengikuti Officer Development Program (ODP) selama 1 (satu) tahun dengan tahapan pendidikan dan pelatihan sebagai berikut:
o Pembinaan kedisiplinan;
o Pembekalan umum;
o Pembidangan;
o On the job training (OJT)
* Bagi yang lulus ODP akan diangkat sebagai Karyawan Tetap dan akan ditugaskan sebagai Operator dan Teknisi Pemeliharaan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT. PJB Services.


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Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (Danamon) is the second largest private national bank and the fifth largest commercial bank in Indonesia, with a 5% share of the domestic system loans and deposits. Danamon has the widest geographic distribution network of all Indonesian banks with 500 branch offices, 790 ATMs and is well-supported by more than 17,000 employees. Danamon is recognized as Indonesia's leading SME and consumer bank and also serves corporate and institutional customers across Indonesia. Bank Danamon Indonesia as one of the leading bank in Indonesia is currently searching for a highly qualified professional with proven track record of achievements to take on this challenging role to sustain and prolong its competitive position in the market as:

Small Medium Enterprise Relationship Officer Trainee
This position offers you the challenge to be able to establish good cooperation with SMEs and Commercial partners and provides the opportunity to pioneer a new relationship with business networking.

As a trainee, you will receive intensive training and will be accompanied by a mentor in developing a portfolio in a team where you venture. After graduating the training period, you will become a permanent employee of an independent and professional in providing the best support to the SME and Commercial customers.

SME Banking Relationship Officer Trainee

* S1 Bachelor faculties namely Accountancy, Management, Business Administration, Marketing, Civil or Industrial Engineering from private universities / leading the country;
* More preferably at least 1 year experience in the field of sales and marketing;
* Have a detailed business analysis capabilities and deep;
* Flexible in communication and has an extensive network of connections;
* Highly motivated and able to work individually or team;
* Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia.

Interested candidates please submit an application accompanied by a photo current resume (no more than 1MB) and enter the position and the city code on your application envelope before March 01, 2011 to:

For Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Batam, dan Sumatera region
HR Recruitment
Bank Danamon Indonesia Matraman Lt.4
Jl. Raya Matraman No 52 Jakarta 13150

For Kalimantan, Jawa Tengah, Sulawesi, Jawa Timur, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara region
HR Recruitment
Bank Danamon Indonesia Lt.5
Jl. Imam Bonjol 210-212 Semarang

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Lowongan Bank Dipo Internasional

PT. Bank Dipo International was founded in 1990. Business license granted by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia based on the Decree of the Minister of Finance Decree. 668/KMK/013/1991 July 1, 1991 and commenced commercial operations on September 9, 1991.

Changes from previous name of PT. Dipo International Bank to PT. Bank Dipo International conducted in 1995 following the advice in the use of the Indonesian Government is good. Currently, the Bank Dipo International has 5 branch offices in Jakarta and 1 branch in Medan, supported by 170 staff outside the Board of Commissioners and Directors.

PT. Bank Dipo International gives you the opportunity for a dynamic, high-spirited work and is responsible for the following positions

Customer Service

* Female, Max Age 22-25 yrs
* Education max. S1 (All Programs)
* GPA Min. 2.80 (Scale 4)
* Fresh Graduate
* Able interesting
* Able to operate MS Word, Excel and Power Point
* Able to speak English passive

Administration Staff

* Female, Max Age 22-25 yrs
* Education max. S1 (All Programs)
* GPA Min. 3.00 (Scale 4)
* Fresh Graduate
* Able interesting
* Able to operate MS Word, Excel and Power Point
* Able to speak English passive
Only applicants who meet the requirements will be processed.

Please send an application letter and CV, along with final diploma pasfhoto to address E-mail: syamsul.achmar @ bankdipo.co.id

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Lowongan Kerja Pacific 2000

Pacific 2000 has emerged as one of the key players in the Indonesian capital market, with memberships in various Exchanges. As a financial brokerage company, we provide a wide variety of investment products for you to choose. We provide Stock, CFD, Index, Forex, and Loco London Gold.

Pacific 2000 commitments to deliver premium, prudent services has allowed us to maintain long-term relationships with many of our clients. At Pacific 2000, we believe in presenting every client with concise, high yielding opportunities to increase investor wealth. Over the years, we have built the experience, reputation, and expertise that every investor can depend upon in today’s fast paced, and sophisticated investment environment.


* Male, age 22-27 years old
* Min Diploma degree
* Fluency in English/Mandarin is an advantage
* Has great analytical skill and meticulous
* Having good interpersonal skills
* Having BAPEPAM license is preferable
* Willing to work under pressure

If you are ready for the challenge, please submit your application letter with full details of resume & recent photograph to:

ANZ Tower, 18th Floor
Email : www.pacific2000.co.id, hrd@pacific2000.co.id

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Lowongan Kerja PCI Elektronik Internasional

PT PCI Elektronik Internasional is a susidiary Company of PCI Limited. PCI Limited is a leading Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) company headquartered in Singapore with manufacturing locations in Batam and Shanghai. We serve global OEM customers in USA, Europe and Asia, offering design and manufacturing services for the telecommunications, office automation, industrial, automotive and medical sectors.

We are looking for highly motivated individual to join us in the following area:


* Supporting production for NPI build and existing product
* Lead group of technician to maintain the machine to achieve maximum efficiency
* Apply lean or six sigma knowledge for continuous improvement
* Work with engineers in Singapore for NPI transfer and engineering evaluation
* Source and procure equipment/fixture for line improvement and support
* Failure analysis for SMT related matter


* Degree in Electronics/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering
* Minimum 3-5 years of SMT programming experience, preferably with Yamaha machine knowledge
* Good experience in reflow profile especially for BGA and CSP
* Root cause analysis and solution on SMT issue
* Good experience in solder paste printing setup, stencil design requirement
* Good experience in AOI and auto solder paste height checker
* Preferably working experience in Electronic Manufacturing services company
* Experience in DFM/MPP is added advantage.
* Candidates MUST be willing to work at Batam

Accounts Section Head

* To prepare financial statements & to participate actively in the preparation of annual budgets & monthly forecasts.
* To review variance analysis reports & financial results.
* To liaise & coordinate with external auditors, tax consultants & HQ on accounting matters.
* To lead & supervise the Accounting team.


* Degree in Accountancy and/or a professional Accounting qualification.
* Min. 2 to 3 years’ of similar working experience & knowledge of JDE and SAP systems.
* Experience in Indonesia taxation regulation.
* An energetic team player with high level of integrity, resourcefulness, excellent analytical & interpersonal skills.
* Ability to work under pressure & meet tight reporting deadlines.

Product Engineer (BATAM)
Job Responsibilities:

* Manage Product Transfer and Project Schedule
* Coordinate DFM/DFT with design team
* Liaise with customers and plant for all technical issues
* Create and maintain the B.O.M including ECN
* Perform First Article Approval for parts

Job Requirements:

* Degree holder in Electronics/Mechanical Engineering
* Minimum 3 years of relevant working experience
* Experience in managing BOM, ECN, First Article approval and NPI activities
* Experience in EMS environment, PPAP and FMEA will be added advantage
* Candidate must be fluent in both written and spoken English as well as Bahasa Indonesia
* Candidate should be ready to work in Batam

Test Development Engineer (R&D) - Based in BATAM

* Develop test plan based on customer/product requirements
* Study test coverage/FMEA for functional testers
* Develop functional testers
* Qualify testers to be used in production
* Perform Product failure analysis


* Degree in Electronics Engineering
* Minimum 3-8 years’ of working experience in developing test plan, PC/MCU based functional testers.
* Working knowledge of C Programming
* Working knowledge of PC communication such as GPIB, RS 232 or USB
* Working knowledge of digital and analog electronics

Electronic Engineer

* Design and develop Electronic hardware and firmware
* Create Bill Of Material for Electronic parts
* Develop product verification test plan
* Design and route PCB


* Degree holder in Electronic Engineering
* At least 3-8 years’ of working experience in Electronic hardware design
* Working knowledge in C-language programming, MCU, digital logic design and FPGA
* PCB design experience with Protel, Orcad or Mentor Graphics is an advantage

Buyer (Based in Batam)

* Issued PO and follow up on the commitment date from suppliers and make sure their commitment date follow the LT agreed.
* Applying Rescheduling Reports (Delinquent, Pull in, Push Out, and cancellation) and follow up the result closely with suppliers
* Maintaining the effective communication to vendors and other related departments within organization, especially regarding delivery related issues, eg. shipment pre-alert, delivery delinquency
* Solving problematic issue related with shipment from supplier eg. Shipment Discrepancy, Problematic DO
* After shipment received, make sure all the invoices in place to smoothen the Payment Process and solving all the Problematic Invoices issue
* Prepare and submitting Advance Payment form for approval
* Coordinate with Commodity Group on the PO changes such as Pricing, MOQ/SPQ issue and submit the PO Exception Form for approval
* Preparing routine reports and correspondence.


* Able to communicate (written and spoken) fluently in English
* Proficient in Microsoft Excel and MUST HAVE MRP experience
* Degree holder, preferably in Engineering
* 2 years’ experience in Planning, Scheduling or Purchasing
* Candidates must be willing to work at Batam

For more information about the Company, please assess our website: www.pciltd.com.sg

Interested applicants, please email with detailed resume, stating your current & expected salary & contact number to recruit.jdb@pciltd.com.sg

We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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Lowongan Kerja PAM Lyonnaise Jaya

PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA) has been present in Jakarta to improve clean water provision and services to the people in the western part of Jakarta since February 1st, 1998 for a 25 years of Cooperation Agreement with PAM Jaya. PALYJA is part of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT, a business line of GDF SUEZ France, which provides Water and Waste Services as well as related equipment essential for day to day life and the environment protection; and also part of PT Astratel Nusantara, business line of ASTRA Group – Indonesia which runs business in infrastructure sector.

PALYJA’s vision is to be the preferred water service provider in Indonesia by satisfying our customers and adding value to our stakeholders. Since 1998 PALYJA has successfully increased the access to clean water becoming more than 390 thousand connections reaching more than 3 million people in the Western part of Jakarta. As part of our expansion, we are seeking candidates who expect excellent career path and professional development opportunities.

GIS – Shared Address System & Basemap
Job Description:

* Conduct field survey
* Draft a field sketch towards certain location according to field survey for shared address system and basemap.
* Plotting of new connection based on report from every work unit.
* Develop GIS data


* Minimum Diploma in Geomathic/Geodesy/Informatics Engineering.
* Minimum 1 (one) year experience in the same field.
* Understand the concept of Geographic Information System.
* Proficient in Microsoft office, and software such as ArcGIS Desktop
* Understand the process of field survey for the latest shared address system and basemap.
* Fluent in English

Capex & Inventory Control
Job Description:

* Preparation for Fixed Asset Closing (collaborate with project controller to get a closed project for Asset reclassification, and check other Fixed Asset suspend account), to fixed Asset addition report
* Prepare journal entry on the monthly additional Fixed Asset into subsystem and attached the supported document, to manual journal entry for FA
* Perform reconciliation between Fixed Asset Subsystem & its General Ledger Account as well as disclose the differences occurred, to Fixed Asset reconcile report
* Prepare a monthly report on Fixed Asset, to Fixed Asset report
* Work closely with Project Manager regarding cost of Project Capitalized including Project in Progress, WIP & Fixed Asset capitalization report
* Make analysis for asset movement CIP and Suspend Account, to Fixed Asset movement and capitalized report
* Manage monthly inventory closing collaborate with logistic, to Inventory movement detail report.
* Prepare inventory management report such as inventory turn over, movement by location and inventory family, to Inventory report monthly


* Minimum education Bachelor Degree (S1) Accounting
* Minimum working experience 3 years in relevant area
* Good understand about accounting cycle
* Know about fixed asset management
* Know about inventory cycle
* Computer Literate (MS Office)

Billing Analyst
Job Description:

* Analyze the data consumer consumption or water consumption resulting from meter reading, based on consumption patterns or the average usage and the standard anomaly
* Identify data errors that can arise due to mutations and other special case
* Running and overseeing projects from management in connection with the billing
* Checking the billing calculation
* Ensure Printing Agent scored according to the data sent
* Create tools needed to maintain the accuracy, billing process operational, project controlling and operational and consumption analysis
* Make periodic reports and reports incidental
* Processing billing data from the Meter Reading and Main UPP


* Minimum Bachelor (S1) in Informatics Engineering / Accounting / Statistics / Mathematics
* Minimum 1 year working experience in same field
* Understand the billing process and database processing
* Having knowledge of regulations relating to Billing from the company or government agency
* Have the skills to operate computer (MS Office, especially familiar with Access and Excel)
* Fluency in English

For those who are interested and meet the above requirements, are encouraged to apply for this position by submitting an application letter and recent CV by e-mail to :

PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA)
recruitment@palyja.co.id ( max 100kb)
Application should be received not later than 10 February 2011. Please indicate the position code in email subject.

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Lowongan Kerja ABC President Indonesia

PT ABC President Indonesia has a commitment to produce high quality food and beverage product in Indonesia. It supported by Research and Development, technology and innovations from Uni-President Taiwan, and also supported by ABC Groups reputation as a leading food and beverage manufacturer in Indonesia.

We are looking for high talented people to take part in our innovation and growth plan.

Payroll Staff

* Female, maximum 27 years old
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree (S1) in Accounting Computerize, Economic Management or equivalent from a reputable university
* At least 1-2 years experiences in the same field
* High proficiency in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word)
* Have ability to handle many details with high degree of accuracy and have excellent administrative and organizational skill
* Good analytical thinking and problem solving
* Good knowledge of taxation and good command of written and spoken English
* Able to work in a team as well as individual
* High motivated, fast learner, and responsible
* Having certification Brevet A/Brevet B is preferable

Front Desk Staff

* Female, maximum 26 years old, single.
* Minimum D3 Graduated.
* Personable, healthy, pleasant in appearance and be positively minded.
* Good hearted nature to love and care for others, putting others before self, always humble and likes to serve
* Pleasant personality with good communication & interpersonal skills
* Understand about administration, filing and English correspondence
* Proficient in both written and spoken English is a must
* Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel)
* Experienced in front desk staff / administration is advantage
* Fresh graduated are welcome to apply

Purchasing Staff

* Male, maximum 26 years old, single
* Minimum D3 Graduated from Mechanical Engineering or equivalent from reputable University
* Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel)
* Good literacy in English both oral and written
* Good interpersonal, communication skill, and negotiation skills
* Good teamwork and result orientation
* Posses driving license (SIM C)
* Fresh graduated are welcome to apply

Interested candidates please send your CV, copy of academic and recent
photograph and put the desire position to:

PT. ABC President Indonesia
Rukan Artha Gading Niaga
Blok A No. 32 - 34
Kelapa Gading Barat
Jakarta Utara
or email to: careers@abcpresident.com or recruitment.abcpresident@gmail.com

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Lowongan Kerja Pepsi Cola

Pepsi-Cola, Pepsi is more often called, is a brand of soft drinks produced by PepsiCo and sold worldwide through stores, restaurants, and vending machines. This drink was first made on August 28, 1898 by pharmacist Caleb Bradham. This brand became a trademark on June 16, 1903. There are several variants of Pepsi, among others, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Pepsi Samba, Pepsi Blue and Pepsi Gold.

Our approach to superior financial performance is straightforward – drive shareholder value. By addressing social and environmental issues, we also deliver on our purpose agenda, which consists of human, environmental, and talent sustainability.

Finance-Accounting Staff - Sudirman Plaza

* Review, record and maintain monthly standard and non-recurring journal entries
* Reconcile general ledger accounts and provide related supporting documentation
* Assist with quarterly reviews and annual audits including preparation of audit schedules
* Creating new assets in the fixed asset sub ledger
* Research new capital purchases in accordance with capital / expense criteria
* Be responsible for fixed asset reconciliations
* Support operating expense reviews
* Perform special projects as needed


* Male / Female, max 33 years old
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Finance/ Accountancy/ Banking, Economics or equivalent.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Sudirman Plaza.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* 2 Full-Time positions available.
* GL and Fixed Assets experience
* Excellent team player with strong interpersonal skills
* Ability to work independently and with tight deadlines
* Must possess excellent analytical and communication skills
* Knowledge and commonly used accounting concepts, practices, and procedures is required
* Proficiency in MS Excel is required

Please send your application letter together with your cv to : hrd@pepsi.co.id

Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview

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Lowongan Kerja Trans TV

Trans TV (Televisi Transformasi Indonesia) is an Indonesian national television station based in South Jakarta. Owned by Chairul Tanjung, it began broadcasting on 15 December 2001. The station is similar to other commercial stations, showing news, movies, drama series, variety shows, quiz shows, and children's programs.

Trans TV programming includes variety shows such as Extravaganza, the Dorce Show (hosted by Dorce Gamalama) and Indonesian versions of Thank God You're Here (Akhirnya Datang Juga) and The Gong Show. It also broadcasts religious programs, movies, gossip shows soap operas and regular news.

Breakthrough and live your dream. Join ourinnovative and imaginative Trans TV Team. Our company is one of the prestigious rapidly growing televisions and aims to be one of the best TV stations in Indonesia. At currently, we are looking for:

Camera Person

* Division: Technical & Production Service
* Location: Jakarta
* Education: D3/S1
* Major: All Major
* Age: 19-35 years old
* Experience (Years): 0
* Marital Status: Single/Married
* Sex: Male/Female

Specific Requirement
Candidates interested in the position of Camera Person must meet the following criteria. The ideal candidate must:

* Male/female, age 19-35 years old
* Diploma-III or Strata-1, GPA min. 3.00
* Be capable of working efficiently with minimum supervision
* Already live in Jakarta (the company does not provide accommodation)
* Have minimum of 1 years experience with video recording and handling of video equipment
* Have evidence of previous shooting
* Be honest and transparent
* Be capable of working well under pressure
* No color blind

Audio Person

* Division: Technical & Production Service
* Location: Jakarta
* Education: D3/S1
* Major: All Major
* Age: 19-35 years old
* Experience (Years): 0
* Marital Status: Single/Married
* Sex: Male/Female

Specific Requirement
Candidates interested in the position of Audio Person must meet the following criteria. The ideal candidate must:

* Male/female, age 19-35 years old
* Diploma-III or Strata-1, GPA min. 3.00
* Be capable of working efficiently with minimum supervision
* Already live in Jakarta (the company does not provide accommodation)
* Have minimum of 1 years experience with audio and the equipments
* Have evidence of previous shooting
* Be honest and transparent, high motivation and detail
* Be capable of working well under pressure

Control Room Person

* Division: Technical & Production Service
* Location: Jakarta
* Education: D3/S1
* Major: IT, Information System or Computer Science
* Age: 19-35 years old
* Experience (Years): 0
* Marital Status: Single/Married
* Sex: Male/Female

Specific Requirement
Candidates interested in the position of Control Room Person must meet the following criteria. The ideal candidate must:

* Male/female, age 19-35 years old
* Diploma-III or Strata-1 IT, Information System or Computer Science, GPA min. 3.00
* Be capable of working efficiently with minimum supervision
* Already live in Jakarta (the company does not provide accommodation)
* Have minimum of 1 years experience with video recording and handling of video equipment
* Have evidence of previous shooting
* Be honest and transparent
* Be capable of working well under pressure
* No color blind
* The candidate must have excellent communication skills, documentation skill and be highly experienced in television or radio operations.
* Experience in broadcasting would be an advantage.
* Candidate must possess the ability to work with others in a field based multi-discipline production team.

Lighting Person

* Division: Technical & Production Service
* Location: Jakarta
* Education: D3/S1
* Major: All Major
* Age: 19-35 years old
* Experience (Years): 0
* Marital Status: Single/Married
* Sex: Male/Female

Specific Requirement
Candidates interested in the position of Lighting Person must meet the following criteria. The ideal candidate must:

* Male/female, age 19-35 years old
* Diploma-III or Strata-1, GPA min. 3.00
* Be capable of working efficiently with minimum supervision
* Already live in Jakarta (the company does not provide accommodation)
* Have minimum of 1 years experience with lighting equipment
* Be honest and transparent
* Be capable of working well under pressure
* No color blind

Technical Support

* Division: Technical & Production Service
* Location: Jakarta
* Education: D3/S1
* Major: Telecommunication, Computer, Electronics
* Age: 19-35 years old
* Experience (Years): 0
* Marital Status: Single/Married
* Sex: Male/Female

Specific Requirement
Candidates interested in the position of Technical Support must meet the following criteria. The ideal candidate must:

* Male/female, age 19-35 years old
* Diploma-III or Strata-1 major in Telecommunication, Computer, Electronics and other relative major. Over 1 year work experience and proven track records in Telecommunication Company
* Be capable of working efficiently with minimum supervision
* Already live in Jakarta (the company does not provide accommodation)
* Project experience within the telecommunication vendor is preferred.
* Ability to show creativity and a different way of thinking. Must welcome challenges. Good oral and written communication, negotiation and interpersonal skills.
* Self-motivated and result-oriented, willing to work under pressure;
* Excellent interpersonal and leadership skills with a strategic mind.
* Be honest and transparent
* Be capable of working well under pressure
* No color blind


* Division: Technical & Production Service
* Location: Jakarta
* Education: D3/S1
* Major: Electrical Engineering, Telecomunication, IT
* Age: 19-35 years old
* Experience (Years): 1
* Marital Status: Single/Married
* Sex: Male/Female

Specific Requirement
Candidates interested in the position of Editor must meet the following criteria. The ideal candidate must:

* Male/female, age 19-35 years old
* Diploma-III or Strata-1 major in Electrical Engineering, Telecomunication, IT, Computer Science or other relative major, GPA min. 3.00
* Be capable of working efficiently with minimum supervision
* Already live in Jakarta (the company does not provide accommodation)
* Be capable of editing from the studio and remote locations
* Be capable of linking feeds to and from news gathering agencies
* Be capable of setting up lights, microwave signals, and running cables
* Be capable of maintaining and caring for equipment
* Be capable of operating microwave trucks
* Be capable of working with reporters to edit packages
* Be capable of coordinating visual images with sound
* Be honest and transparent
* Be capable of working well under pressure

IT Staff

* Division: Technical & Production Service
* Location: Jakarta
* Education: D3/S1
* Major: Electrical Engineering, IT
* Age: 19-35 years old
* Experience (Years): 1
* Marital Status: Single/Married
* Sex: Male/Female

Specific Requirement
Candidates interested in the position of IT Staff must meet the following criteria. The ideal candidate must:

* Male/female, age 19-35 years old
* Diploma-III or Strata-1 Electrical Engineering, IT, Information System or Computer Science, GPA min. 3.00
* Be capable of working efficiently with minimum supervision
* Already live in Jakarta (the company does not provide accommodation)
* Be capable of developing software product test plans, generating test cases, and conducting tests for software systems, especially software developed for Java, C/C++, Internet client/server environments.
* Hands-on experience of using software testing tools, such as test set generators, automated testing, bug reporting and tracking, regression testing.
* Be capable of testing embedded software will be a plus.
* Good interaction and communications skills for working with software developers and customer support personnel
* Be honest and transparent
* Be capable of working well under pressure

If you are interested, please apply to : Lowongan Trans TV

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Lowongan Kerja PLN

PLN (Persero) saat ini mempekerjakan 47.532 staf dari seluruh Indonesia dengan rasio 15,6% di antaranya berpendidikan sarjana dan pasca sarjana. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan kemampuan dan kompetensi sumber daya manusia bagi perkembangan teknologi, PLN akan selalu mengusahakan berbagai pendidikan dan kegiatan pelatihan melalui jasa pendidikan baik di lingkungan PLN sendiri maupun menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai univesitas dan lembaga pendidikan di dalam dan luar negeri. PLN kembali akan melaksanakan rekrutmen, posisi jabatan yang dibuka untuk rekrutmen adalah sebagai berikut

PT PLN (Persero) mengajak Putera terbaik bangsa bergabung bersama kami, membangun negeri penerimaan pegawai PT PLN (Persero) jalur pelaksana (SMA IPA/ Sederajat dan SMK Listrik) Tahun 2011. Bagi Anda Para Lulusan/ Semester Akhir SMA IPA/ Sederajat dan SMK Listrik, Kami menawarkan beberapa posisi jabatan dan program studi yang dibutuhkan:

Operator Distribusi (OPDIS)

* Melaksanakan kegiatan operasi jaringan distribusi listrik, untuk memastikan kegiatan pelayanan teknik sesuai Standar Operasi Prosedur (SOP) dalam meningkatkan mutu pelayanan dan kepuasan pelanggan.

Teknik Distribusi (TEKDIS)

* Melaksanakan pekerjaan pemeliharaan Jaringan Listrik Tegangan Rendah dan Tegangan Menengah, dalam keadaan bertegangan dengan sarana dan prasarana yang sesuai Standar Operasi Prosedur (SOP) dalam meningkatkan mutu pelayanan dan kepuasan pelanggan.

Teknik Penyaluran/ Transmisi (TEKLUR)

* Melaksanakan pekerjaan pemeliharaan Jaringan dan Peralatan Gardu Induk Tegangan Tinggi dan Ekstra Tinggi.

Persyaratan Umum

* Jenis kelamin Laki-laki
* Lulusan/ Semester Akhir
o SMA/ Sederajat: Jurusan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA); atau
o SMK: berasal dari jurusan Listrik Arus kuat/ Listrik instalasi (bukan arus lemah/ elektronika , telekomunikasi, atau listrik industri);
* Kelahiran tahun 1991 atau sesudahnya ketika mendaftar
* Tinggi badan:
o Untuk OPDIS: minimum 160 cm
o Untuk TEKDIS & TEKLUR: minimum 165 cm

Persyaratan Akademis

* Bagi yang sudah lulus: Rata-rata nilai hasil Ujian Nasional (SKHUN) minimal 7,5 (tujuh koma lima)
* Bagi yang belum lulus (kelas 12 - semester akhir) : Rata-rata nilai raport semester 1 sampai akhir untuk mata pelajaran matematika dan fisika minimal 7,5 (tujuh koma lima)
* Belum pernah menikah (dengan disertai Surat Keterangan dari RT setempat);
* Berat badan proporsional terhadap tinggi badan (BMI maksimal 30)
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
* Berbadan sehat dan Tidak buta warna (dengan disertai surat keterangan Sehat dari Dokter);
* Tidak berkacamata;
* Tidak merokok;
* Tidak bertatto dan tidak bertindik;
* Tidak terlibat dan tidak pernah terlibat tindakan kriminal (dibuktikan dengan SKCK dari Polri diserahkan pada saat wawancara);
* Menyertakan Surat Pernyataan Diri di atas materai Rp 6.000,- yang berisi point-point sbb:
o Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya
o Tidak menderita Rabun malam dan epilepsi
o Bersedia mengikuti pendidikan prajabatan dan tidak menikah selama pendidikan
o Bersedia menjadi pegawai minimal selama 5 (lima) tahun secara berturut-turut sejak diangkat menjadi pegawai.
o Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PLN Unit tempat yang bersangkutan diangkat sebagai pegawai baru.
o Bagi yang mempunyai ijazah lebih tinggi dari tingkat SLTA, tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimilikinya.
* Domisili, khusus untuk Pelamar dari:
o Jawa Timur: untuk Posisi Jabatan OPDIS dan TEKDIS
o Jawa Timur & Bali: untuk Posisi Jabatan TEKLUR

Jika Anda berminat silahkan download prosedur aplikasi lengkapnya. Penerimaan berkas paling lambat tanggal 5 Februari 2011.

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Lowongan Kerja AsiaRep Indonesia

AsiaRep, a wholly owned and registered international company, was founded in April 1994 with the focus of bringing Australian Automotive Electrical Technical Services and Parts to the Asian Mining and Oil & Gas industries. Today, AsiaRep is the largest automotive electrical manufacturer, supplier and training provider in the Indonesian mining industry and is quickly gaining substantial recognition in many other countries.

AsiaRep's prominent position in the industry has come about due to it's detailed attention in solving clients' needs. Total commitment to our markets, continued search for new technical developments, investments in local manufacturing and service divisions, permanent offices, regular field representation, stock availability, registered international distributorships and investment in staff training are the founding principles that provide total satisfaction to our customers.


All candidates must fulfill below requirements:

a. Graduated from reputable university majoring in Management & Engineering (1), Accounting (2, 3), Law (4), Economic (5)
b. Having minimum experience 1 (one) year (1, 5) and 5 (five) years (3)
c. Familiar with tax regulations and other regulations related (2, 3)
d. Excellent in both spoken and written English (1, 2, 3, 4)

The interested Candidates are welcomed for their application, CV, photo and ID Card within 2 (weeks) days after this advertisement to:

Mid Plaza 2 Lt. 16
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10-11
Jakarta Pusat 10220

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Lowongan Kerja Bank Chinatrust Indonesia

Bank Chinatrust Indonesia is a subsidiary of Chinatrust Commercial Bank in Taiwan R.O.C. We have been operating in Indonesia since the year of 1997. We emphasize on Caring, Professional and Trustworthy as our core value which reflects in every employee's behavior, action and decision making process.

In order to support our commitment to be the best and the most prudent bank and to expand our business, we are looking for best talent to fill in our vacant position below

Retail Banking Group (RGB)
1. Financial Advisor (FA)*
2. Secured Loan Sales Officer (SLS)*
3. Branch Manager (BM)**
4. Acquisition Officer (AO)*
5. Customer Segment Manager (CSM)**

Corporate Banking Group (CBG)
6. Senior Relationship Manager (SRM)**

Credit Risk Management Group (CRMG)
7. Retail - Collection Supervisor (RCS)*
8. Corporate - Collection Staff (CCS)*
9. Corporate - Legal Documentation Officer (LDO)*
10. Secured Credit Policy Unit Head (SCP)**
11. Corporate - Senior Credit Controller (SCC)**
12. Credit Risk Policy & Management Dept Head (CRP)**

13. Treasury Sales (TS)**

Compliance Group
14. Compliance Senior Officer (CSO)**
15. AML & CFT Senior Officer (AML)**

Financial Control Group
16. Business Development Officer (BDO)*
17. Financial Planning & Analysis (FPA)**

IT Group
18. IT Technical Leader (ITT)**
19. IT Business Functional Leader (BFL)**
20. Senior Programmer (SP)**

Operations Group
21. ATM Cards - Product & Delivery Unit Head (PDU)**
22. ATM Cards - Staff (ACS)*

General Requirements:

* Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in any major (banking, marketing, business, economics, IT) or other relevant discipline
* * Minimum 2 years of experience in related fields for the position of : FA, SLS, AO, RCS, CCS, LDO, BDO, ACS
* ** Minimum 5 years of experience at the same position in banking industry for BM, CSM, SRM, SCP, SCC, CRP, TS, CSO, AML, FPA, ITT, BFL, SP, PDU
* Target oriented
* Strong leadership ability for managerial positions
* Good interpersonal skill
* Good computer literate such as MS Office
* Excellent communication skill in English

Special Requirements

* BM, FA : Possess AAJI and Waperd License Mandarin speaking would be advantegous
* FA : Experience in Funding product
* AO : Experience in Lending product
* SRM : Have a broad networking/active customers base and have a good ability in acquiring new clients
* SCC : Sound recommendation on all corporate credit proposals
* CSO : Sound knowledge on banking and regulatory rules, especially n Treasury and Credit transactions Experience in AML would be advantageous
* AML : To be positioned in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Understand AML & CFT regulations
* ITT : Has deep knowledge in providing IT Business solution, both in development and implementation
* BFL : Deep knowledge in IT Banking functional area and good understanding of database design
* SP : Deep knowledge in development using Java or .NET, good understanding in windows, unix environment and database design

Management Associate Program (MA)
The management associate program will provide you with accelerated learning process and leadership development to prepare for successful career with Bank Chinatrust Indonesia. Our two (2) years rotation program will expose you to enhance you capabilities through participation in a diverse array of activities include on the job training, project participation, networking, as well as formal learning sessions which will be conducted both in Indonesia and in Taiwan


* Fresh Graduate (Master Degree/S2) from a reputable local or overseas university
* Minimum GPA 3.25 (out of 4)
* Max 2 years working experience
* Proficient in English and Mandarin (preferably) — written and spoken
* Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
* Strong analytical, numerical and problem solving abilities
* Proactive, enthusiastic in learning, highly motivated and committed
* Computer literacy (Word, Excel, Power Point)
* Age: max 28 years old

Eligible candidates will be offered a challenging career in multinational working environment as well as attractive remunerations and benefits package. If you feel you are the right person to take up the challenges, we invite you to send your application and CV (max 200Kb/email) the latest by 11th February 2011 to either

Bank Chinatrust Indonesia
PO BOX 1949 Jakarta 10019

Please state the positions code on the top left hand side of the envelope. All applicants will be handled in strict confidence and only short-listed candidates will be notified. No telephone call will be entertained

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Lowongan Kerja Darma Henwa

Darma Henwa, a leading regional integrated mining company for more than 19 years. Pt Darma Henwa Tbk principal activities are contract mining, civil engineering and leasing of equipment. The Group's marketing and consultancy division is engaged in marketing coal and its related products.

To support our expansion, we urgently require qualified, professional and highly motivated candidates to join our winning team for the following positions

1. Mining Operation
2. Mining Engineering
3. Plant & Maintenance
4. Health, Safety & Environment
5. Human Resources Development
6. Tender & Contract

7. Mining Operation
8. Mining Engineering
9. Plant & Maintenance
10. Health, Safety & Environment
11. Logistic
12. Human Resources

13. Mining Operations
14. Mining Engineering
15. Plant & Maintenance
16. Health, Safety & Environment
17. Operation Trainer
18. Maintenance Trainer
19. Recruitment & Industrial Relation
20. Personal Admin & Payroll
21. Purchasing (Jr/Sr)
22. Tax (Jr/Sr)

General Qualifications:

* Indonesian Citizen with excellent health
* Male (1-18), Male/Female (19-22)
* Willingness to be positioned in remote area in Kalimantan area except (6 & 22)
* Computer literacy and proficiency in written and spoken English
* Good interpersonal skills and team player
* Good in analyzing, arranging and organizing
* Highly motivate, hard working and able to work under pressures
* Ability to work in a cross-cultural environment
* Having Pengawas Operasional Pertama (7-10 and 13-18)
* Having Pengawas Operasional Madya (1-4)
* More than 3 years of working experience in the same position
* Minimum S1 in related study (1-12) and Minimum D3 in related study (13-22)

We offer career opportunities, a dynamic working environment and excellent salary packages for top candidates. Should you meet those criteria, please send your application with a comprehensive resume, a recent photograph, copies of academic certificate & supporting documents not later than 11 February 2011 and kindly state the position you apply for at the email subject to:

PT Darma Henwa
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further process

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Lowongan Kerja British Petroleum

BP operates globally, with business activities and customers in more than 100 countries and nearly 100,000 employees. We have exploration and production interests in 29 countries and are one of the major refiners of gasoline and hydrocarbon products in the US, Europe and Australia.

In Indonesia, BP is one of the largest foreign investors, with investment of around US$5 billion to date. Every BP mainstream business is represented, from upstream (Tangguh LNG and VICO) to downstream (Castrol) and petrochemicals (PT AMI).

To support our existing business activities and long-term commitments in Indonesia, we are inviting several finance professionals to join our team where exciting career opportunities await for you.

Process Engineer

* Gather input data and prepare process design bases and technical project scopes
* Provide process engineering discipline input to Projects teams
* Ensure that designs are delivered to provide safe, reliable operations that deliver expected production adn availability targets

Process Safety Engineer

* Look after the integrity of the plant from a fluid containment and loss prevention perspective
* Provide specialist expertise in the understanding, assessment and active management of major accident hazards and risks

Civil Structural Engineer

* Support project under development
* Provide expertise to the ongoing operations
* Facilitate between the civil team on site and the technical authorities to maintain the integrity of both onshore and offshore structures

Stationery Equipment Supervisor
Plan, coordinate and oversee all activities related to the stationery equipment for offshore Gas Production Facilities (GPF), Pipelines and onshore Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities to achieve optimum plant availability

Be responsible for leading and driving Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) activities related to the PSCM processes

PSCM Operations & HSSE Team Lead

* Proactively mitigate risk and maximize value to the business
* Lead a team of professionals who ensure adherence to PSCM policies
* Develop and implement appropriate strategies for the procurement or required materials and services, including marine and logistics, maintenance and operating engineering requirements

PSCM Performance Management Team Lead

* Support the Planning and Performance function within PSCM across a variety of activities
* Support the team and Strategic Performance Unit (SPU) to ensure that strategic plans aligned with the business needs and objectives

Safety Advisor

* Provide leadership in all safety-related activities
* Minimize potential risks by requiring compliance with all BP HSE management system, standards/policies and safe work practices

Senior Commercial Analyst

* Engage in many business areas within and across the business cycles which include: economic analysis to decide and optimize projects, evaluations and interpretations of risks and rewards
* Engage in the development of long term plans and strategy, business forecasts, result analysis and performance management

Are you up for the challenge? Please apply online at:

Closing date: 12 February 2011

BP Our business is the exploration, production, refining, trading and distribution of energy. This is what we do, and we do it on a truly global scale. With a workforce of 80,000 employees, BP operates with business activities and customers in more than 80 countries across six continents. Every day, we serve millions of customers around the world. We are continually looking for talented, committed and ambitious people to help us shape the face of energy for the future.

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Lowongan Kerja RPE Engineering

RPE GROUP also known as RPE-Engineering an EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation) for oil and gas industry immediately looking for several positions :

1. Engineer
a. Middle Civil/Structure Engineer
b. Process Engineer
c. Electrical Engineer
d. Mechanical Rotating Engineer
e. Instrument Engineer
f. Pipe Stress Engineer
g. Process Safety Engineer

• Minimum Bachelor Degree from related major (Electrical/ Chemical/ Civil or Ocean / Physics/ Mechanical or Metallurgy/ Naval Architect Engineer)
• For Engineer minimum 5 years experiences in same position in design engineering oil and gas industry
• Familiar with related standard and codes
• Good command in English
• Good computer literacy and other proficient related software

2. Senior Engineer
a. Sr. Civil Structure Engineer
b. Sr. Process Engineer
c. Sr. Telecommunication Engineer
d, Sr. HVAC Engineer

• For Sr. Civil Structure Engineer : Min. Bachelor degree in Civil or Ocean Engineering
• For Sr. Process Engineer : Min. Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering
• For Sr. Telecommunication Engineer : Min. Bachelor degree in Telecommunication Engineering
• Having good knowledge in development and operation of full-range telecommunication systems (LAN/WAN, radio/telephone transmission) for multi locations/ sites
• For Sr. HVAC Engineer : min, bachelor degree in engineering
• Minimum 10 years experiences in same position in same position in design engineering oil and gas industry
• Experience in handling 1 large scale EPCI project
• Familiar with related standard and codes
• Good command in English
• Good computer literacy and other proficient related software

3. Designer
a. Structure/ Civil
b. Process
c. Electrical
d. Mechanical/Piping
e. Instrument

• Minimum 3 years experiences in oil and gas industry as Designer
• Experience in onshore oil & gas facility design
• Proficient with related Software

4. Load Out Specialist Engineer
• Minimum 10 (ten) years experience in supervising load-outs of large facilities (modules, decks, jackets, etc.) for oil and gas production platform.
• Must be very knowledgeable of all rigging tools.
• Used to conduct load-outs.

5. Construction Manager
a. Hookup & Commissioning Manager
Have the ability to organize and direct all activities pertaining to the hook up, commissioning and start-up works so to meet the schedule, quality and safety requirements of the projects

b. Fabrication Manager
Should have the ability to organize and direct all activities pertaining to the fabrication works so as to meet the schedule, quality and safety requirements of the projects.

General Requirement
• Bachelor degree (S1) in Engineering.
• More than 10 (ten) years of experience in offshore oil and gas including minimum five (5) years in oil and gas facilities with at least two (2) similar projects with supervisory experience.

• Diploma (D3) in Science/Engineering.
• More than twelve (12) years of experience in offshore oil and gas including minimum five (5) years in commissioning works for offshore oil and gas facilities with at least two (2) similar projects with supervisory experience.

6. Workpack Team Leader
• Bachelor degree (S1) in Engineering and has a minimum six (6) years experience in offshore oil and gas facilities.
• Must have at least three (3) years experience in offshore hook-up & commissioning supervision works.
• Must have managed at least one (1) offshore commissioning project.
• Has experience as work pack leader.
• Should have the ability to organize and direct all activities pertaining to the commissioning and start-up works so as to meet the schedule, quality and safety requirements of the project.

7. Surveyor
a. Dimensional Surveyor
• Graduate in surveying with a minimum five (5) years working experience in related discipline with minimum three (3) years as Dimensional Surveyor for three (3) dimensional survey i.e. total station equipment.

b. Quantity Surveyor
• Minimum six (6) years of working experience as a Quantity Surveyor in fabrication/ construction for onshore/offshore oil and gas facilities.
• Must posses a degree in any engineering disciplines or equivalent professional qualifications.
• Should be able to prepare Change Order Proposals, payment Claims, etc.

8. Electrical Superintendent
• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor Degree in related field
• At least 3 year(s) of working experience as electrical superintendent/ senior supervisor role in oil & gas industry.

9. QAQC Engineer
a. QAQC E/ I Engineer
b. QAQC Civil Engineer
c. QAQC Piping/ Mechanical Engineer

• Bachelor degree in engineering
• Have minimum 4 years experiences in quality assurance and quality control area also has experiences in offshore facilities construction/fabrication in 2 EPCI Project
• Excellent interpersonal skills
• Superior planning and auditing quality

10. PPC Engineer/ Planner
• Bachelor Degree from Engineering
• Min. 5 years experience as PPC Engineer / Planner in oil & gas industry
• Familiar with Microsoft Project, Primavera and other related software
• Have good analytical & communication skill
• Able to work in team or individually
• Highly motivated, self directed and self started

Only candidates who meet the qualifications will be processed
Please send your application (max. 200kb) with POSITION AND YOUR NAME ON to :
hrd@rpe-engineering.com cc: inneke.trianawati@rpe-engineering.com

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Lowongan Kerja ENI Indonesia

Eni is a major integrated international oil and gas company based in Italy, with interests in 70 different countries, and employs some 73,000 people worldwide. Eni has been exploring and producing hydrocarbons for almost eighty years.

Eni has Exploration & Production activities in Italy, West and North Africa, US, South America, North Sea, Kazakhstan and Asia. Eni Indonesia participates in eleven PSCs in Indonesia, Including nine in Deep Water, and is pursuing an active exploration and development program.

Process Engineer
Location: Jakarta

Company overview

Eni is a major integrated international oil and gas company based in Italy, with interests in 77 different countries, and employs approximately 79,000 people worldwide.

Eni has Exploration & Production activities in Italy and other areas worldwide such as West & North Africa, US, South America, North Sea, Kazakhstan and Asia. In Indonesia, Eni participates in twelve PSC s, including nine in Deep Water areas, with an active exploration and development program.

Position requirements
A University degree in Chemical or Process Engineering with minimum 8 years experience in design and/or operation of Oil and Gas plants including offshore experience is a prerequisite. Experience interfacing with authorities representatives and partners is desirable. Experience supervising specialist and engineering contractors with strong understanding of the principles of process safety is a plus. You are required to be skilful in standard software such as office suite and have practical experience using process engineering software packages (i.e. Hysys dynamic & static process modeling, Pipeline flow assurance software, Flare not and other modeling packages).

You must be a good communicator with highly effective multi-disciplinary team working skills. A self starter able to identify, shape and progress complex projects as well as good technical and analytical skills is a plus. Strong team work spirit and cultural awareness are needed. Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English is a must. Basic understanding of budget and cost estimates preparation is a plus with strong influential and presentation skills.

Position responsibilities
Your role will involve contributing to the selection of the optimum project development option, managing conceptual design into feasibility studies, functional specifications and basis of design, actively participating and leading the development of hazard identification, risk assessment and process hazard analyses, supervising direct contractors in the design and selection of new facilities processes, actively interface with partners and authorities technical representatives. The role requires the identification and adoption of recognized standards and ensuring compliance with all aspects of the internal value assurance process (OPDS). The selected candidate is expected to perform a variety of project related tasks, coordinate peer reviews and in general all assurance process implementation, assessing the application of new technologies and practices to enhance the design and operability of the new facilities and contributing to the preparation of project cost estimates.

Please apply for this advertisement to:

PO Box 3260
Jakarta 10000

Please note that applications may not be reviewed if received after the 28th of February 2011.

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Lowongan Kerja Petrosea

PETROSEA is a leading engineering, construction and mining company with a track record of achievement in Indonesia for more than 36 years. Petrosea has been involved in the development of Indonesia s considerable oil & gas, mining and infrastructure industries. Petrosea is also operating in Southeast Asia Region with some challenging projects.

Currently, we are seeking highly competent and calibrated people to fill in position with following experiences and skills:

1. Finance Manager

Direct, monitor and review all Finance and Accounting activities for Asset Management in order to ensure the efficient and effective operation of Finance and Accounting function for Asset Management conform with company s procedures and Indonesian Financial Accounting Standard.

• Min. Bachelor degree preferably in Finance / Accounting
• Min. 8 years experiences in Finance & Accounting field, preferably in Mining area
• Overtime required from time to time
• Understand the key drivers of costs at project level
• Understand the critical/key terms of each project including pricing, payment timing, rise & fall, claims, risks & opportunities

1. Review and analyse all tenders, including financial models prior to submission and corporate standard forms as required to ensure neutral/positive cash flow throughout the project subjected to capex requirements.
2. Monitor and review the completion of F&A Project Self Assessment (covering the project start-up, Mid-cycle and close-out) and F&A requirements for new project including joint operation set up, bank accounts, systems, taxation to ensure all requirements and assessment are complete and accurate within required time frames.
3. Maintain and monitor progress payment for mining contract to ensure progress payments are issued on time in accordance with the terms of contract..

Maintain, monitor and review stated activities of revenues, margins, claim review status, fixed asset balances, inventory balances, Finance lease transaction, cost and accruals to ensure that each of them are correctly stated and bought into account in the month conform with company s procedures and well administer.

2. Formalities Coordinator

Monitor and supervise applications for the permits, licences, certificates, authorisations, and other approvals that the organisation needs to conduct its business activities; and produce, sell, and distribute its goods and services. These may include product licences, manufacturing, import and export permits. Prepare and coordinate registration and development of trademarks for the organization s range of products.

• Min. Bachelor degree majoring in Law
• Min. 5 years experience in relevant field
• Fluent in English, written and verbal
• Good computer skill especially in Microsoft Office
• Familiar with government regulations,handling permits and licenses, good knowledge of company licenses (such as TDP, SIUP/IUT, SKT, APIT, Masterlist, etc)
• Good understanding in handling the regular reporting to the government (such as BKPM and ESDM quarterly report, etc)

1) Maintain and monitor the company licenses, permits and association certificates.
2) Communicate regularly with federal regulators and ensure company policies strictly adhere to statutory requirements.
3) Assist the area in relation to processes of product qualification and certification with government regulatory agencies
4) Preparing submissions of licenses and renewals as requested to ensure all company licenses, permits and association certificates are complete and up to date.
5) Monitoring and setting timelines for license renewal and approvals.
6) Prepare and submit the regularly report such as ;
- BKPM report (such as LKPM report, etc) as required
- ESDM report as required
- Salvage report
- Monthly activities report
- Etc
7) Responsible and accountable for carrying out the requirements of the company s quality system.
8) Maintain the regulatory file systems to assure clear traceability.

3. Formalities Officer

Provide/ perform applications for the permits, licences, certificates, authorisations, and other approvals that the organisation needs to conduct its business activities; and produce, sell, and distribute its goods and services. These may include product licences, manufacturing, import and export permits. Prepare and coordinate registration and development of trademarks for the organization s range of products.

• Min. Bachelor degree majoring in Law
• Min. 2 years experience in relevant field
• Fluent in English, written and verbal
• Good computer skill especially in Microsoft Office
• Familiar with government regulations,handling permits and licenses, good knowledge of company licenses (such as TDP, SIUP/IUT, SKT, APIT, Masterlist, etc)
• Good understanding in handling the regular reporting to the government (such as BKPM and ESDM quarterly report, etc)

1) Maintain and monitor the company licenses, permits and association certificates.
2) Communicate regularly with federal regulators and ensure company policies strictly adhere to statutory requirements.
3) Assist the area in relation to processes of product qualification and certification with government regulatory agencies
4) Preparing submissions of licenses and renewals as requested to ensure all company licenses, permits and association certificates are complete and up to date.
5) Monitoring and setting timelines for license renewal and approvals.
6) Prepare and submit the regularly report such as ;
- BKPM report (such as LKPM report, etc) as required
- ESDM report as required
- Salvage report
- Monthly activities report
- Etc
7) Responsible and accountable for carrying out the requirements of the company s quality system.
8) Maintain the regulatory file systems to assure clear traceability

4. Logistic and Warehouse Analyst

Control , manage and supervise logistic activities from order process to material arrival in order to provide support for company in term of deliver a good practice to the Supply Chain Management process which conform to business ethics and company s procedure.

• Min. Bachelor Degree preferably from Engineering
• Min. 8 years experiences in Logistics & warehouse, preferably from Mining industry.
• Requires travel to Project Locations as required
• Good communication and negotiation skill
• Leading by example
• Good reporting system
• Work in detail, time manageable and traget oriented

1. Control and monitor overall packing and transport handling process to ensure handling process are meet the safety requirements and as per standart procedures
2. Administer and report all repair for light vehicle or light trucks or forkflit, also cost for repaired in order to be reviewed and appraises by the Equipment manager.
3. Coordinate and liasewith customs/import staff for any issue related with import materials to ensure all customs or import matters all well managed
4. Monitor and control the company warehouse efficiencye.g Material Requisition vs Purchase Order cross checking, Cargo control, packing design, container loading to ensure warehouse system and procdure are adherance.

5. Quality Engineer

Develop, monitor and provide continuous improvement of all of the asset management group to ensure the compliancy through the internal audit program and enhance awareness of quality within company in term of maintain company s quality certification.

• Work Flexible hours to accommodate job requirements
• Min. 6 years experience in maintenance / equipment
• Min. Bachelor degree, preferably in engineering
• Good knowledge on Quality Management Tools (e.g. TQM, QCC, SPC, Balance Scorecard, etc.) and disseminate through Project Quality Management System.

1. Develop a Contamination Control database which will monitor and improve CC practices on the sites.
2. Develop people on the sites to conduct regular audits and measurements of CC items.
3. Maintain a database of all workshop facility designs, infrastructure and standards so future workshops follow a set criteria and design format.
4. Develop a Continuous Improvement process for all of the asset management group, expose the group to best practices and assist with implementation through site champions and administration of the CI & BP programs.

6. Technical Analyst

To install, configure, modify , and documents products, equipments, and systems that have been purchase by organisation to ensure that all technical requirements and performance is kept up to date with the latest equipment technology.

• Min. Bachelor Degree preferably from Engineering
• Min. 6 years experiences maintenace or equipment , preferably ini Mining industry.
• Requires travel to Project Locations as required
• Risk and exposure due diligence

1. To document all technical requirements of the equipment fleet and ensure this documentation iskept up to date with the latest equipment technology
2. Compile TBE documents for all rental and owned asset to ensure compliance to business line spesification and expectation
3. Asisst procurement in negotiation of equipment through input of equipment performance and maintenance performance
4. Keep up to date records of equipment specifications and operating performance

7. Training Coordinator

Plan, coordinate and monitor training implementation in Asset Management to ensure training implementation in Asset Management department are effective, conform with training needs analysis and allocated budget.

1. Willing to travel to all company s project locations
2. Min. bachelor degree in any major
3. Good English & Computer literate
4. Min 5 years exp with operation training as trainer in mining
5. Has strong exposure as a trainer for mining operation on project
6. Has proficient knowledge about the mining process, from feasibility studies to mining services (pit to port)
7. Able to create own module / syllabus for sustainable program (Petrosea property right)

1) Provide development of training programmes by liaising with Section / Project / Department Managers in order to discuss training needs for the coming year and ideal scope of training support requested
2) Develop training budget for Mining Department and submit the budget to Mining General Manager for review and approval.
3) Prepare and establish training schedule to ensure training schedule is updated with any incidental training and/or vendor free training as required.
4) Review training program requirements in order to allocate internal and/or external resources to all programs in training schedule.
5) Develop training evaluation methodology and conduct quarterly training effectiveness review based on trainer and manager evaluations and for submission to Mining General Manager to ensure training effectiveness.

8. Commercial Engineer

Prepare, review and analyse contract document, including auditing documents for compliance and offer a legal perspective to all situations that may expose company to risk in order to enhance company s effectiveness and efficiencies in term of minimising such risk in commercial/contracts.

• Min. Bachelor Degree from Engineering
• Min. 5 years experiences in contract / commercial management, preferably in Mining industry
• Must be able to demonstrate Commercial Management and contract acumen and documentation, knowledge and usage of Civil Law in context of Mning Industry /Construction .
• Must be able to direct and facilitate variation of claims, progress claims, and contractual correspondence with client and subcontract administration
• Requires travel to Project Locations as required
• Vendor/suppliers/subcontractor meetings and visits
• Interface with commercial/legal service providers
• Audits investigations
• Risk and exposure due diligence

1) Review and analyse contracts at the Tender stage, giving input to the Bid Manager regarding the contract composition/legalities and any qualifications required in order to align conditions to Petrosea contracting guidelines.
2) Drafting formal letters and attending negotiations of a contractual nature in order to provide logistical support to Project Managers in resolving contractual issues with the Client/vendors
3) Organize and manage variations and claims to their scope of work and successfully negotiate these to settlement, including a running log of all contractual correspondence to settlement.
4) Monitor and control contract implementation to ensure that the Client and Petrosea follow the contractual requirements of the contract such that Petrosea is not exposed to unnecessary costs or penalties.
5) Evaluate and analyse all legal aspects of commercial documents/contracts and manage such to stay abreast of commercial change/risk

9. Customs Coordinator

Monitor all the importation / custom activities to ensure all company s imported goods are arrive in desired location with efficient cost, conform to customs laws and regulation in terms of supporting company s field operations.

• Min. 5 years in relevant experiences
• Min. Bachelor degree from any major
• Familiar with the Master List BKPM / oil and gas
• Good understanding and implementation of international freight processing and system
• Good understanding and implementation of customs regulations/laws and procedures
• Creative thinking and ability to manage the work system
• Good communication skill in English, both verbal and written

1) Control and verify the circulation of documents related to transportation, export, import customs clearance as well as delivery to site to ensure all goods shipped are equipped with complete legal documents.
2) Prepare import clearance file and identification of Import Harmonize System code to ensure all files and codes are complete and proper.
3) Monitor shipping forecast start off from carriers through Freight Forwarder and provide necessary and regular information in order to anticipate difficulties and adapt corrective measure to the actual situation.
4) Monitor handling and boarding operations at ports of loading and discharge at any port or airport of discharge (in Jakarta), or at transshipment port, receipt of goods, customs clearance and delivery to site to ensure all goods are arrived in respected destination without any difficulties.
5) Monitor and coordinate all movement of materials / equipment from supplier s ex work to the fabrication yard or storage area to ensure all movement are runs well and tractable.
6) Assist manager in reviewing and monitoring all customs examinations by external auditors & resolve the customs issues to ensure that customs issues are resolved efficiently.
7) Update and maintain the Oil and Gas & BKPM Master List in order to propose for achieve custom relief.

10. Equipment Management Strategy Coordinator

Study the technical advances of equipment manufacturers, suppliers and industry, develop new maintenance strategies and implement it, cost saving processes and assistance to the group to ensure the most effective maintenance strategy are being used.

• Min. Bachelor Degree preferably from Engineering
• Min. 6 years experiences in maintenace or equipment, preferably from Mining industry.
• Requires travel to Project Locations as required
• Good comunication and negotiation skill
• Leading by example
• Good reporting system
• Work in detail, time manageable and traget oriented

1. Study the technical advances of equipment manufacturers, suppliers and industry to develop new maintenance strategies.
2. Monitor and control maintenance capital expenditure and compliance to maintain cost saving processes and budget efficiency to ensure the most cost effective solutions are being used.
3. Assist the Equipment Management group to do maintenance strategy reviews on a regular basis with the intent of producing accurate CPH and managed PCV forecasts for the Petrosea Fleet.
4. Supervise, coach and mentor maintenance staff and assist them to diagnose more complex problem with machinary and equipment

We offer our staff a challenging and innovative work environment. An attractive salary package will be negotiated to ensure a high caliber appointment.

To apply for this position, please send your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph, and quoting in email subject: to recruitment.jkt@petrosea.com in Microsoft Word or PDF format with a file size not more than 350kb.

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Lowongan Clarity Research Indonesia

Clarity Research Indonesia, headquartered in Jakarta Indonesia, is a business consulting company providing customized market research, business analysis and business development services. Our leading track record and flexibility in tailor made research enables us to undertake a variety of projects.

Clarity Research Indonesia'steam is one of the most knowledgeable in Indonesia with over 40 years of combined experience providing business consulting services. The team includes English speaking (expatriate) research directors, with over 10 years Indonesia experience, as well as highly skilled local language staff.? Senior researchers are involved in a project from start to finish.

Research Consultant (Jakarta)
Job Summary
o Business to Business (B2B) market research

Position Responsibility
o Desk research
o Internet searches
o Telephone interviews
o Face to face interviews with businesses & retailers

Typical Position Pre-requisites
o Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply
o Inquisitive and love asking questions to find out what's happening
o Energetic and willing to learn
o Good command in English both oral and written is an advantage
o Good computer literate
o Permanent, project based and freelance positions available

Office Coordinator (Jakarta)
Job Summary
o Office Coordinator for Business to Business market research company

Position Responsibility
o Office document handling
o Data collection
o Support research activities (formatting, and some basic interviews)

Typical Position Pre-requisites
o Fresh graduates / Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply
o Energetic and willing to learn
o Good computer skills (word, excel and PowerPoint)
o Helpful and willing to assist the team

Please send your resume by email to: hrd.recruitment@clarity.co.id

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Lowongan Perdana Andalan Air (Eva Air)

EVA Airways Corporation is an airline based at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport near Taipei, Taiwan operating passenger and dedicated cargo services to over 40 international destinations in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. EVA Air is largely privately owned and flies a fully international route network. It is the second largest Taiwanese airline, next in size to its main rival, China Airlines. EVA Air is headquartered in Lujhu, Taoyuan County.

PT Perdana Andalan Air, a GSA of International Airlines is looking for highly motivated and qualified candidates for :

Reservation Staff (Code:RR) (Jakarta)

* University/Academic degree from recognize university / academic.
* (Minimum IPK is 2.70).
* Fresh graduate or 2 - 3 years experience in same field
* Excellent command of English both spoken and written, and fluent Mandarin
* Willing to learn and work hard.
* Pleasant personality and self motivated.
* Age between 22-28 years.

Secretary (Code: SC) (Jakarta)

* University/Diploma degree from recognized institutions majoring in secretary (prefer from Tarakanita).
* Excellent command of English both spoken and written, and fluent in Mandarin will be an advantage.
* Willing to learn and work hard.
* Pleasant personality and self motivated.
* IPK must not less than 2.7
* Fresh graduates or min. 1 (One) year experience in secretary and general affair are welcome to apply.
* Between 20-26 year old of age.

Sales Executive for DPS Station (Code: SS) (Jakarta)

* University/Academic degree from recognize university / academic
* Minimum IPK is 2.70
* Fresh graduate or 1 - 3 years experience in same field
* Excellent command of English both spoken and written, and fluent Mandarin will be an advantage
* Willing to learn and work hard
* Pleasant personality and self motivated
* Age between 21-28 years

Please send your application letter in English together with CV, recent photograph (4x6), certificates and transcript to the address below not later than February 26, 2011 by mentioning the position code on the left side of envelope.

All applications will be treated confidentially. Only qualified candidates will be called for test/interview.

GSA of EVA Airways Corporation
10th/Fl, Mega Plaza
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C-3
Jakarta 12920

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Lowongan Kerja Rabobank

PT Bank Rabobank International Indonesia (RII) is owned by Rabobank Nederland, the only privately owned bank in the world that is awarded Triple A ratings from both Standard & Poor's and Moody’s. RII is an established Corporate and Commercial wholesale bank focusing primarily on the Food and Agribusiness (F&A), and just recently expanded its businesses to Retail and SME sectors. Please visit www.rabobank.co.id for more details.

Currently, we are offering an opportunity as below:

Wealth Management Operation Officer (Jakarta)

* Perform Wealth Management Transactions and Settlements
* Responsible for transaction reconciliation and report statement reconciliation
* Responsible for monthly income realization

Minimum education qualifications:

o Having bachelor degree

Other experience or skills required:

o Proficient in English both in writing and verbal.
o Experienced in banking operation.
o Having good analytical thinking.
o Able to work under pressure with tight deadline.
o Having knowledge in Wealth Management is an added benefit.

Please send your CV and Internal Vacancy Application Form, to: hrd_rii@rabobank.com

Please put the position code in your email subject

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Lowongan Kerja Pipit Mutiara Jaya

PT. Pipit Mutiara Jaya is a coal miner and producer in East Kalimantan with its representative office in Jakarta, urgently seeking potential and experienced applicants to join the company for below full time positions:

Safety Officer (All Company Locations)

* Responsible for the environmental, health, safety programs for the project
* Ensure awareness of and compliance with environmental health and safety requirements of the organization
* Responsible for preventing oil spillage chemical, biological


* Male
* Diploma or Bachelor Degree in safety & health/engineering or any major that related to this position
* Deep understanding of government regulation safety & occupational health
* Preferably have obtain relevant safety training certificate (P2K3, fire drill, etc)
* Experience in same position min 2 years
* Strong communication and analythical skill
* Willing to work in East Kalimantan
* Familiar with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001

ISO Officer (All Company Locations)

* Outlining management system which emphasize in quality, health & safety, and environment
* Outlining safe operational practices & procedures to the general workforce, ensuring that all operational activities are carried out in accordance with Company's safety policies, statutory regulations & guidelines.
* Identifying and reporting various work-site accident hazards, and performing risk assessments.
* Leading in-house trainer for safe working practices and procedures for work site operations & procedures.
* Delivering safety induction training to new starts.
* Developing & maintain training & competency records.
* Carrying out periodic inspections of, and prepare inspection reports for Company equipment (including safety equipment), as required.
* Preparing, issuing & analyzing required quality, health, safety & environmental performance reports (QHSE).
* Taking part in all accident/incident/near miss investigations, ensuring accident report forms are completed.
* Introducing quality, health & safety, and environment initiatives and awareness Campaigns.
* Managing the Company nonconformity product response procedures
* Managing the Company emergency response procedures, including the management of regular emergency exercises
* Advising on a range of specialist areas e.g. fire regulations, safe disposal of hazardous substances, noise, safeguarding machinery and occupational diseases.


* Having experience in quality, health, safety, & environment management systems and procedures (experience of adherence to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, & OHSAS 18001) preferable in coal mining industry
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Industrial) or equivalent
* Knowledge of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, & OHSAS 18001
* Able to communicate in English
* Ability to motivate & train others
* Team player with strong communication, organizational and interpersonal skills
* Ability to interpret, evaluate and apply regulations, policies and procedures in a wide variety of work situations

Geologist / Junior Geologist (All Company Locations)

* Develop & Manage Exploration Plan
* Plan detailed exploration of the coal concession, including identifying outcrops
* Able to calculate reserve estimation from borehole data
* Plan borehole drilling patterns and drill hole logs
* Lead and monitor a team of exploration in daily tasks, such as mapping, surveying and drilling
* Coordinate with mining department regarding future mining plans and pit limit markings
* Coordinate with Humas Department, regarding marking of land of different owners
* Communicate with surveyor regarding topographic survey
* Develop Geological & Geotechnical System
* Generate & Up date Geological Procedures
* Responsible for reliable Geological Model
* Manage & Develop Safety System within department
* Able to use AutoCAD and other Geology softwares


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Geology, Geophysics, Engineering (Mining/Mineral) or equivalent
* Fresh graduate is welcome
* Strong in analysis and evaluation to check the potentiality of new mine concession and must have good reporting skill
* Preferably well spoken and written in English
* Ready to work in remote area
* Have good interpersonal skill and attitude
* Leadership qualities is a must

Mining Engineer (All Company Locations)

* Prepare, analyze and adjust data of production, record details of the day s work on a daily report pad in order to establish project performance report.
* Identify engineering problems, propose solutions and expedite client agreement where necessary to ensure minimal disruption to the progress of the works.
* Review client specifications, drawings and documents to ensure the requirements defined are incorporated in the works and the responsibilities allocated under the project quality system and understood and implemented.
* Complete daily timesheets, including activity descriptions and cost codes, for each person and, where required, plant item under his responsibility.
* Prepare data of real/ technical cost, liaise with surveyor in calculate mining reserve from drilling for project analysis purpose.
* Coordinate requisition for small tools and consumable materials as required in order to provide site operations support.
* Identify hazards and risks during the planning phase of the work packages in order to minimize exposure to personnel and the environment.


* May be required to work flexible hours to meet Project requirements,
* Minimum Bachelor Degree in Engineering,
* Minimum 3 years experiences as a Mining Engineer,
* Fluent in English, written and verbal,
* Willing to be placed in all company s locations.

Please send your complete cv and latest photograph to : hr@pipit-pmj.co.id

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Lowongan Kerja Jotun Indonesia

Jotun is one of the world's leading manufacturers of paints, coatings and powder coatings. The group has 71 companies and 40 production facilities in 37 countries on all continents. In addition, Jotun has agents, branch offices and distributors in more than 70 countries. Jotun's total sales in 2008 were NOK 11,704 million, and has today 7,300 employees. The Jotun Group has four divisions, and its head office in Sandefjord, Norway.

In line with our continued expansion program, Jotun Indonesia is looking for a dynamic and ambitious professional to fill the following position:

Customer Service Officer (Cibitung-Bekasi)

* Support Sales Department by providing professional service to customers in order to meet customer’s requirements and satisfaction
* Responsible in purchase order administration
* Responsible in delivery scheduling


* University background any disciplines
* 2 years experience in the similar position
* Good command of English language (spoken and written)
* Have experience with BPCS system will be advantageous
* Microsoft office computer skills
* Willing to work at Cibitung

Recruitment & Training Support (Jakarta)

* Planning, organizing, executing, and evaluating all recruitment and training process with concerned department or any third party.


* Bachelor's Degree in Human Resource Management or Psychology from reputable University.
* 2 years of working experience in recruitment and competence development.
* Familiar with online recruitment and training management system.
* Good command in English written and spoken.
* Excellent presentation and communication skill.

The right candidates will be rewarded with a good remuneration package and opportunities to grow in Jotun.

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply before February 15, 2010 and send resume with full personal details and academic qualification to:

Or e-mail to: hrd.indonesia@jotun.com

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